Steppes Hill Farm Antiques Newsletter #82 - June 2018
Edward H. Stockwell
Working from 1865 to 1894 in London, E H (Edward) Stockwell is renowned as a maker of novelty items cast in silver which became ‘all the rage’ with his Victorian customers. Any catalogue of his works shows a wide variety including inkwells, vesta cases, scents and decorative additions for decanters, but he is, perhaps, particularly known for the fine and detailed naturalistic forms of flowers, animals and birds to be found most amongst his peppers and vinaigrettes. As a special feature this month, SHFA is pleased to bring together three vinaigrettes formed as a thistle, a rose spray and a carnation that demonstrate the quality and abiding attraction of this silversmith’s art and skill.
In 1876 he was awarded a competition prize of £25 by the Goldsmiths' Company for a design for a presentation casket. Stockwell's business at 15 Greek Street was taken over during 1894 by William Tietzsch - ornamental gold, silver and metal manufacturer.
The following silver items bearing E.H.Stockwell's mark have been noted: a novelty cast silver pepper formed as a seated collared cat, London 1876, a table snuff box, London 1865, retailed by Henry Lewis, 172 New Bond Street, a scent flask / smelling salts bottle with silver gilt mounts, one set with a watch, London 1871, retailed by C.S.Proctor, Newcastle-on-Tyne, a padlock shaped vesta / fusee case, London 1875, retailed by Walter Thornhill, 144 New Bond Street, a desk seal in the form of a lady's walking shoe, London 1876, retailed by Walter Thornhill, a greyhound scent flask, London 1877, retailed by T.Jones of London & Paris, a silver mounted glass "lotus" claret jug, London 1880, a cigarette case, London 1884, retailed by Alfred Clark, 20 Old Bond Street, four menu holders, London 1885, retailed by Thornhill & Co, 144 New Bond Street, a novelty pepper made in the form of a bear sitting on its hind legs, London 1875, a model of a water cart, London 1885, retailed by Leuchars & Son, 38 & 39 Piccadilly and Paris, a silver cased barometer/thermometer/compass, London 1889, retailed by Alfred Clark, 20 Old Street and a novelty cast silver scent bottle made in the form of an onion, a sprung mechanism to the base which when revolved allows the scent bottle to pop-up, London, 1881.
All of above were superbly well crafted and of the finest quality. The three Vinaigrettes listed are perfect examples of this great Victorian silversmiths work.
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I do hope that you will find this Newsletter informative and helpful and will allow us send it to you on a regular basis. I would welcome any feedback you may have, both positive and negative.
David W.A. Buck.
Steppes Hill Farm Antiques