Antique Silver Napkin Rings

A popular collector’s item, antique silver Napkin Rings were introduced in the mid nineteenth century and as well as having the function of holding linen napkins or serviettes, they were also used to identify the person using the napkin and were commonly sold in sets of four or six. The individual rings were often engraved with numbers to ensure that each person received his own Napkin Ring every morning. Silver Napkin Rings display a wide range of decoration. Many cheaper examples were simply engine turned or die-stamped with arabesques, but some heavier specimens were hand-chased and even applied with enamel or gold and set with semi-precious stones. Some charming novelty Napkin Rings were produced by the Victorians depicting animals or birds and these are very collectable. Napkin Rings were always very popular as Christening presents and indeed still are.

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Most Recent
Horton & Allday, Birmingham 1931
Stokes & Ireland, Chester 1926
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