Antique Silver Pin Cushions

Originally used purely for functional purposes, it wasn’t until towards the end of the 19th century that pincushions were sold as trinkets and collectables, following the increased affordability of pins. This meant that decorative pincushions were available across the social classes, made from a variety of materials. Some of the finest examples, however, made for the upper classes, are made from silver. Our collection of antique silver pin cushions showcase some of the finest available in the UK, with each item making an excellent gift or addition to any antique collection. Novelty silver pincushions in the form of animals were particularly popular, and it is these which Steppes Hill Farm Antiques specialise in. Almost every type of animal can be found - elephants, pigs and chicks emerging from eggshells being the most common, but kangaroos, lions, foxes and other 'exotics' are rare. Our antique silver pincushions are of the very highest quality, and we are happy to offer our advice on any of our antique silver pincushions for sale.

1 - 7 of 7 items
Most Recent
Adie & Lovekin, Birmingham 1907
Sampson Mordan & Co, Chester 1905
Adie & Lovekin, Chester 1909
Levi & Salaman, Birmingham 1903
Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1909
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