Steppes Hill Farm Antiques Newsletter #35 - July 2014 |
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Often cut from relatively thin sheet silver, but exhibiting a particular style and elegance, Wine Labels produced by the silversmiths of the Emerald Isle are some of my favourites. They created quite distinctive designs which probably reached their peak during the neo-classical period from about 1780-1810. Bright-cut engraving and piercing were skills that the Irish smiths excelled at and the decorative borders seen on Irish labels are quite distinctive. I can offer a nice little selection currently in stock including two Provincial examples assayed in Cork:-
- A set of four George III Irish silver Wine Labels for HOCK, CLARET, HERMITAGE & VIN DE GRAVE, by John Teare, Dublin c1820.
- An unusual George III Irish silver Wine Label for PORT, by John Teare, Dublin c1800.
- A rare George III Irish Provincial silver Wine Label for TENERIFFE, by John Tolekin, Cork c1800.
- A fine George III Irish silver Wine Label for MADEIRA, John Sherwin, Dublin c1790.
- A fine George III Irish silver Wine Label for CLARET, by George Nangle, Dublin c1790
- A George III pierced Irish silver Wine Label for SHERRY, by John Teare, Dublin c1787-93.
- A rare George III Irish Provincial silver Wine Label for TENERIFFE, by Carden Terry & Jane Williams, Cork c1810.
- A good pair of George III Irish silver Wine Labels for HOCK & VIN -DE-GRAVE with shield surmounts, by John Teare, Dublin c1800.
- A George IV Irish silver initial letter "P" Wine Label, by Henry Flavelle, Dublin c1825.
- A George IV Irish silver initial letter "M" Wine Label, by Henry Flavelle, Dublin c1825.
Please click on the links to view details of the illustrated labels.
This month’s featured item is a fine and rare Victorian silver and enamel Vesta Case of Sentry Box form, the hinged peaked lid with attached suspension ring, the face enamelled with a trooper from The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, (a previously unrecorded regiment on these Sentry Box Vesta Cases). The cover stamped with the Registration Number 38283. The reverse of the case engraved - "For Auld Lang Syne"..
By Sampson Mordan, London 1887. Marked on lid and body.
This is one from a series of silver and enamel Vesta Cases depicting 'Soldiers of the Queen' produced by Mordan around the time of Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887. It was originally thought that the Sentry Box Vesta was limited to a series of perhaps 10 or 12 different examples made specifically for the Jubilee. Around 25 plus different Regiments have now been recorded.
The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
I am pleased to be able to update the site this month with over 70 new items of stock and some highlights include a Royal Presentation Vesta Case, a rare Dr Wall Worcester Convolvulus Pattern Chelsea Ewer, a Goat & Cart Pin Cushion, a Chelsea Raised Anchor Octagonal Saucer with the fable of the Ox and the Toad, a Victorian Novelty Silver Pig Pepper, a rare Victorian engraved silver Card Case depicting Osborne House and the Royal Yacht, plus some new additions to the Wine & Sauce Label Category and the Caddy Spoon Category.
I do hope that you will find this Newsletter informative and helpful and will allow us send it to you on a regular basis. I would welcome any feedback you may have, both positive and negative.
David W.A. Buck.
Steppes Hill Farm Antiques |