Victorian Silver Pneumatic Postage Damper Registered Design No 609. Jan 19th 1841

An extremely rare early Victorian silver 'Pneumatic Postage Damper', the cylindrical stem with engine turned 'barley-corn' decoration, a citrine coloured seal stone carved with script initials to one end and a hob-nail cut seal to the other. The terminal unscrewing to reveal a vacant interior. For the damping of Wafer Seals.
Stamped: 'S.MORDAN'S' and '19 FEBRUARY 1841 No 609' A rare Mordan mark and an early registered design.
By Sampson Mordan & Co, London c1841.
See: Sampson Mordan & Co's advertisement for 'Patent and other new articles for 1842', where this item is illustrated.
From: Mechanics Magazine Volume 34 1841, page 191:-
Date of Registration Number on Register Registered proprietors name Subject of Design Time for which protection is granted
Jan 19th 1841 609 S. Mordan and Co Postage Damper 3 years
Sold - £365.00