Victorian 12 carat Gold & Ruby Bear & Ragged Staff Propelling Pencil
Unmarked c1900
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An extremely rare Victorian 12 carat gold (tested) novelty Propelling Pencil made in the form of a Bear holding a Ragged Staff (the crest of the Earls of Warwick and Warwickshire), with ruby eyes and attached suspension ring.
Unmarked c1900
Open 62 mm
Closed 35 mm
Sold - £1,450.00
In good condition with no damage or repair and in full working order
5.20 Grams
(0.17 troy ounces)
Stock Code
See: The KB Collection of Pencils by Ken Bull, page 109, fig 5, for a similar silver example.
Medieval legends have it that the Earl of Warwick at the time of King Arthur was called Arthgal, which was thought to have come from the Welsh word 'artos' or bear. The ragged staff came from a legend about another Earl of Warwick Morvidus, who polished off a giant using the broken branch of a tree.