Victorian Scottish Silver Gilt 'Freedom Box' Marquis of Lorne Duke of Argyll

A fine and rare Victorian Scottish silver gilt Freedom Box, presented to the Marquis of Lorne, of large rectangular form with hinged lid. The sides and lid richly decorated with floral and strap work decoration on a matt background, a raised central circular boss with the Campbeltown Coat of Arms and motto, the silver gilt interior with engraved presentation to the base of the boss as follows ""Presented with the Freedom of the Burgh of Campbeltown, to the right Honourable John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne, 1868. The box raised on compressed bun feet.
By John Russell, Glasgow, 1868.
The local Newspaper reported the presentation of the box to the Marquis as follows:-
Oban Times
And Argyllshire Advertiser
Saturday, October 24, 1868.
No 121. (Page 2. Column 5.)
THE MARQUIS OF LORNE:- The Marquis of Lorne was entertained to a banquet in the Town Hall, Campbeltown, on Friday last, and was also presented with rhe freedom of the burgh. Provost Beith, who presided on the occasion, too the chair shortly after six o’clock. He was supported on the right by the Marquis of Lorne, the guest of the evening; E. H. Crauford, Esq., MP., Captain Macneal of Ugadale; Dr Boyd; Captain Stewart, 11th Hussar; Rev. Hector Macneil, of Ardnacross; J. C. Macnaughton, Esq. of Kilellan; Frederick Macneal, Esq., High Lossit; D. Macdougall, Esq., banker; and on the left by Sheriff Gardiner; Rev. Mr Russell; John. L. Stewart, Esq. of Coll, chamberlain to the Duke of Argyll; Rev. Mr Cameron; Captain Mackay, Carskey; Major Harris; Rev. W. Wood, A.M., Oxon; Captain Hewson, Argyll and Bute Militia. The Treasurer, the Dean of Guild, ex-Provost Galbraith, and James Harvey, Esq., discharge the duties of croupiers. In making the presentation the Provost referred to the high estimation in which his lordship was held by the community, and has no doubt that he would follow the example of his ancestors, and maintain the dignity of the noble family to which he belongs. The Marquis replied in a lengthy speech. The box containing the burgess’ ticket and an accompanying address is manufactured of silver gilt. Its size is 5.75 by 3.5 inches, and its depth 1.5 inches. The lid is beautifully chased and ornamented. On a raised centre is placed the Campbeltown coat of arms, with its well-known motto; and on the inside is engraved the following inscription:- Presented with the Freedom of the Burgh of Campbeltown, to the right Honourable John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne, 1868
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